O Beautiful and Wounded Creation

By Allyson Sawtell

O Beautiful and Wounded Creation

Leader: O beautiful and wounded Creation, we confess we have sinned against you in thought,
            word, and deed, and in what we have done and left undone.

People: We have imagined ourselves a species apart. We forget or deny that we are all
            connected. We push away from each other out of fear or greed or ignorance. 

Leader: O beautiful and wounded Creation, you are Christ hanging on the cross of wildfire-      
            burned lands, parched with the thirst of drought, life’s blood draining away with the
            riverbeds gone dry, and dying with each species gone extinct.

People: Your cry, O Christ, is the silence of extinction, the weeping of dispossessed peoples.

Leader: O beautiful and wounded Creation:
             You land, water, air, seas;
             You who are torn by war, racism, deforestation, power, disease
             You souls who cry out in hopelessness and fear, and you who have no voice,

             We have sinned against you by what we have done and what we have left undone.

ALL:    We confess, dear God! We confess. 

             Turn us around, dear God, for it is not too late to mend and tend your beautiful and
            wounded Creation.